Jenny's Top Priorities


Everything we as Americans hold dear–our beliefs, our individuality, our ability to say and do as we wish–relies on democracy. I will not let authoritarian-inclined politicians disregard the will of the the people to help a self-described dictator assume office. Our freedom lies in democratic elections and respecting the will of the majority.


I believe a fair day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay. That means anyone who works full time should earn enough money to cover their basic needs. I will empower our unions, vote in favor of guaranteed paid parental leave, and help our state return to taxation rates that empower entrepreneurs.


Healthcare is a human right. Georgia must make contraception available to all, improve mental healthcare, and expand Medicaid. We pay federal taxes. We deserve leaders who don’t block us from the federal benefits other states receive. 

Furthermore, unlike my opponent who has vowed to stop the removal of PFAS contaminants in our drinking water, I firmly advocate for safe water that is free from synthetic chemicals that decrease sperm count, cause testicular cancer, damage livers, and harm pregnant women. 


GOP politicians don’t understand–or don’t care–that making abortion illegal does not put food in children’s mouths, make medical conditions disappear, eliminate rape and domestic violence, or provide accessible birth control, reproductive education, or paid parental leave. Instead of scheming about how to punish women after the fact, I am dedicated to helping women avoid the need for an abortion in the first place–while ensuring reproductive healthcare is safe, legal, and private.

Civil Rights

The lives of people who are Black do matter, and government employees should not be able to harm citizens at will. Women and minorities deserve equal pay for equal work. No one should be denied medical care, equal protection under the law, or face workplace harassment because of their orientation, gender, or race. We must put an end to the substandard housing and subpar accommodations those with disabilities often face.


I support our public schools. When the GOP-led Georgia legislature talks about “vouchers”, they mean “partial reimbursement” for private school tuition. The so-called voucher program is created not to give struggling families more choice, but to suck money away from public schools and give it to wealthy people who can afford to pay private school tuition up front. Unlike public schools, private schools can use loopholes to discriminate based on disability, race, and ethnicity, which perpetuates systematic inequality. 


Guns do not belong in the hands of felons, domestic abusers, reckless idiots, or those with violent tendencies. Gun purchases should require background checks and proof of basic safety training. Those who wish to carry concealed guns need a permit. Rambo-style cosplayers should not have access to military grade weaponry.

Climate Change

Climate change is real. It’s worsening. It requires large-scale addressing. This well-documented problem is caused by pumping too much heat-holding carbon dioxide into the air. As a result, we now have temperature extremes affecting crop growth and producing more catastrophic storms like the devastating tornado my family experienced in 2021.

Accessible Housing

There is a severe shortage of affordable, accessible housing. Government incentives can help increase quantity as well as encourage appropriately-sized units. We should also set restraints on foreign procurement of US rental properties, starting in the state of Georgia. Most importantly, we must restore minimum wage to a living wage so people can once again afford to put a roof over their family’s heads.


Support Jenny's Campaign


Jenny Enderlin is a Democrat running for Georgia State Senate District 6. 

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